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Plant biomass valorisation presents numerous advantages and opportunities as it is:

  • Sustainable: the valorisation of plant biomass recycles an abundantly available resource which reduces the use of other natural resources 
  • Local: having a local approach decreases costs, curbs carbon footprint, and fosters innovation 
  • Versatile: plant biomass comes from multiple organic sources and various sectors.

But several challenges need to be unlocked:

  • Holistic approachevery stakeholder on the value chain should be included to consider the multiple uses of a product resulting from plant biomass.
  • From sourcing to processingbridges must be built between the sourcing and the processing of plant biomass, and farmers are definitely key actors, as they both provide plant biomass and use the final transformed product.
  • etc.


How can we co-construct sustainable socio-economic activities regarding plant biomass valorisation that raise public awareness and provide work opportunities, in particular for local youth, through low-tech solutions?


How the valorisation of plant biomass can generate positive social, environmental, and economic impacts?

How to raise policy makers and public awareness of the benefits and opportunities?

How can the valorisation of plant biomass be a source of wealth and local development by creating sustainable and inclusive jobs to meet the need for local expertise?

How can we optimise methods to move towards frugal, robust, replicable, sustainable, in other words, low-tech processes?

At every step of the process, many initiatives have been launched to valorise plant biomass, but they rarely make life cycle assessments and implement impact measures to make sure the whole process has a greater impact on the environment, the economy, and people. Moreover, the replicability of the solutions can be a real problem when innovative techniques have to be applied to a local context that does not have the technical and economic means to implement them.

Whatever your role is in the plant biomass valorisation process, we need your expertise to think and co-construct solutions to develop the bioeconomy.

By applying to The Future Of Sustainable Biomass Valorisation, you are invited to collaborate with a selection of experts in order to move towards sustainable plant biomass valorisation. The best collaborative projects that emerge will be offered technical and operational support.

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